Friday, April 13, 2012


It's been so long since I've written, but I don't feel like I've had much to write about. No troubles facing me, a loving boyfriend and two children whom I love so much.

Though I am getting nervous. Nearly two weeks ago Scynthe and I were offered a week's reprieve from the coughs that had plagued us. It hasn't returned as the mother spider said that it would, I don't see any symptoms returning in either of us. Did we have anything to begin with? Is this a dream? Was it a dream?

We collected the items neccesary for the cure as it is. Hopefully the cure will be created soon.

Westel...he's falling out with me. He doesn't seem to like any move that I make anymore, especially ones that make me happy. He-....As Scynthe puts it he treats me like a child.

Westel, don't make me regret anything. We've both got great power over each other, that you know.