He's proposed! I'm so glad and so relieved...it's such a great feeling, even though this...well it doesn't really change anything. It doesn't change our love. I'm just so in love with the idea, being his forever by more than just our claims. The law notices that we're one and the same, we are one. Our family will be whole, all of us. I know that it's nothing but titles and laws, but to me it makes me feel...accepted. We are recognized as two elves who give themselves over to each other daily and nightly.
Though something does make me feel a little odd. Kaledrei wasn't dead. She's come back and is, well she's back and I'm not sure what she really wants. If she wants to see Zephenaye, that is fine, though I can't help but wonder if she'll want to have part custody of her? Will she have her on the weekends? It's not that I'm against her seeing her daughter, I would do anything to see my children. Though is it a different thing to want a child that you lost in his or her youth? I don't know much but I do know that Zephenaye was very young when Kaledrei disappeared. Would it be right for me to leave Trysten now and come back much later wanting to just take him with me? Again, diary, please don't think that I'm being selfish or jealous against Kaledrei, I'm nothing of the sort. I only have questions.