Monday, October 15, 2012

Parting the Mists

Things are changing even more rapidly now. Glenshadow has passed on, Birodil has gone from the tribe for good and things are different. A new land has been discovered and I've been there! Of course, I've been there. It is called Pandaria and it's home to these curious Pandariens. They're fuzzy and look like bears. That's all I've to say about that. I've seen greater heights than I think the World Tree in Kalimdor! It's all so beautiful there and I've got to say it's growing on me as the people are peaceful as well. Though I did run into Westel last night.

His hair was long and I just thought I'd comment on his longer locks when the entire conversation went towards me being press ganged! Can you believe it? That Astoreth was only visiting when some general asked her who her commanding officer was and when she didn't have an answer he GAVE her one! Westel thinks that even being seven months pregnant would be enough lee way for him to give me a job to do. He told me to go back home and enjoy my family. So much of this new place is not a warzone...though I would hate to drag Zephenaye and Trysten into it. I just hate being walled up in those caverns. I hate it. The tension grows worse there by the day and I can't stand it. 

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